They talk about us
BimBI Italiani in the News
Little Big Italy - BimBi Italiani
BimBi Italiani in Thailand are guests on the Little Big Italy blog of Nove to talk about and showcase the impact of the NonnoLandia project.
Date: First October 2023
Language: Italian
"Welcome to BimBi Italiani" - BKK Kids Thailand
BKK Kids, the number one website for families with children in Thailand, features BimBi Italiani in their blog page. The article highlights the importance of BimBi Italiani for families with children living in Thailand and interested to learn about Italian culture and traditions.
Date: 15th August 2023
Link to the article : BKK Kids - Welcome to BimBi Italiani
"Projects, ideas, ideals of Italian citizens in the world" - BimBi Italiani
The General Council of Italians Abroad (CGIE) selects BimBi Italiani among the twelve inspiring stories taken from the call for best practice "new emigrations new practices" by Eleonora Voltolina, journalist and social entrepreneur
Date: June 2023
Link to the article (chapter 5): CGIE - "Projects, ideas, ideals of Italian citizens in the world"
Voglio Vivere Cosi' interviews Elena Del Fabbro, BimBi Italiani
In this interview Elena Del Fabbro, BimBi Italiani Vice-Preside and Foundar, talks about BimBi Italiani and the importance the association plays in filling in critical cultural and language gaps and needs affective children and families living abroad.
Date: 16th March 2023
Language: Italian
Link to the Podcast:
Link to the Interview:
Radio 3 - Elena Del Fabbro, BimBi Italiani
Elena Del Fabbro, BimBi Italiani Vice President and Executive Director talks about BimBi Italiani, how and why it was created, its projects and activities on the radio program EXPAT by Rai Radio 3. During the interview Elena also explains the importance of promoting Italian culture, language and traditions to children and families especially those living abroad.
Date: 6th November 2022
Language: Italian
Link to the interview: BimBi Italiani su Rai Radio 3 Expat: Canzoni in Fuga
"Being a mom abroad: opportunities and challenges of raising children in Thailand”
In commemoration of Thai Mother’s Day in 2022 , the Thai - Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC) interviews Elena Del Fabbro and Michela Currone. Elena and Michela talk about BimBi Italiani, how and why it was created. They also talk about the opportunities and challenges of raising Italian children in Thailand.
Date: 12th August 2021
Language: Italian
Radio 3 interview – The World of Music
In this episode, Radio 3 interviews Francesca Gilli, the super mom of two incredible Italian children, Leonardo e Bianca – and representative of Culturalia - promozione culturale Italiana in Cambogia, Laos & Thailandia for the Language, Family and Education commission of the ComiTes in Bangkok. Francesca talks about the importance of creating events and activities like those of BimBi Italiani to create a sense of community among adults and children living abroad.
Date: 21st May 2022
Language: Italian
Listen to the interview:
Radio 3 interview – Tropical Language
During the "Expat" by Radio 3 interview, Raffaela Marongiu e Chiara Profe Gasparotti – talk about the difficulties of educating children while living abroad. They do so by confronting different education systems. During the interview the two reference the importance of online Italian language courses for children such as those offered by BimBi Italiani’s partner Chiara Profe Gasparotti from Mind your Language Thailand
Date: 26th March 2022
Language: Italian
List to the interview:
Education Forum Thailand 2022
PRIMA PAGINA NEWS - Agenzia di Stampa Quotidiana Nazionale talks about BimBi Italiani and its participation to the Education Forum 2022 organized by the Thai - Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC):
Date: 25th February 2022
Language: Italian
Read the article:
Vita Da Expat – BimBi Italiani
Nadja ed Manuela from da Vita da Expat interviews Elena Del Fabbro and Michela Currone to talk about BimBi Italiani, how it was created, its focus, aims and projects.
Date: 26th April 2021
Language: Italian
Listen to the podcast: